Monday, January 11, 2010

Names Of Amphibians Name Three Characteristics That Distinguish Reptiles From Teh Amphibians And Fishes?

Name three characteristics that distinguish reptiles from teh amphibians and fishes? - names of amphibians

Amphibians spend at least part of their lives in water) have a smooth skin (as opposed to scales, 3 chambers of the heart (heart reptiles have a more complex), and lay their eggs without a protective coating flexible (amniotic eggs, are reptiles with a soft shell) .

1 comment:

Mary M said...

1. Reptiles live in the country all his life. Amphibians spend part of his life on earth and partly in the water. The fish live their entire lives in water.
2. Reptiles lay amniotic eggs can be modeled with a hard leather. They bury their eggs in the sand. Amphibians and fish lay their eggs in the water. Some fish give live birth.
3. Reptiles and amphibians have scales have skin soft and moist. Fish have scales.
4. Reptiles have a complex circulatory system in the heart of three cameras. Alligators and crocodiles have four heart chamber.
5. The reptiles have claws on the toes. Amphibians are not claws.
6. Reptiles have no courage.

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