Thursday, January 21, 2010

Barbados How Bad Is Hurricane Season In Barbados? Is It Just Tropical Rainstorms?

How bad is Hurricane season in Barbados? Is it just tropical rainstorms? - barbados

I think going to Cuba in late September, but do not know what to expect Weatherwise.


trinity till i die said...

Hello, yes there is a small chance that you'll see a hurricane,
But most of all, you will be very heavy rainfall of short duration to see, but 10 minutes after the rain stopped, the blue sky is clear and bright sunshine.
I was twice in September in the Caribbean (Barbados, Jamaica) and was lucky to avoid hurricanes, but it was a tropical storm when I was in Jamaica and it was pretty bad.
I fear that pay in this time of year, your money and get the chance (which is reflected in the price in September, is an opportune time to return to the Caribbean)

vybes_so... said...

Barbados is soo far to the east, hurricanes are almost never fully developed, if they are the debts of the island. Barbados has usually formed a higher chance of a passing storm, the island from the west and somehow from the current level and beat Barbados in the West ....

Barbados slipped slightly on average every 26 years by a major hurricane. And the Big Iceland hiting * directly * (as in the wall of the eye and all) are like once every 150 years.

I would say that the island has a system of Sanitation. Importance of certain stains can collect water could still be done to minimize, but not as landslides, with tons of people die, as you can hear in other parts of the world.

toucansa... said...

Barbados does not come hurricanes!

I went to Boca Raton, a year after the "polished" by a hurricane, or remains the same. It was surreal. Retreat This region is rich broken only going to stop signs and poles along this road and others ... I never saw that, Barbados!

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