Monday, January 25, 2010

Gbs More Condition_symptoms Why Do Macbooks Have So Little GBs Of Memory But Cost More Than Other Notebooks?

Why do macbooks have so little GBs of memory but cost more than other notebooks? - gbs more condition_symptoms

I'll buy a new laptop and I did some research, because I am between a Sony Vaio or MacBook'm stuck. One thing that struck me that there is a Sony Vaio FZ series with 3 GB of RAM and 250 GB hard drive and the MacBook only has 2 GB of RAM and 160 GB hard drive, the Sony Vaio is always cheaper than the MacBook. Why is this so? Is there something missing, I'm?


em_and_m... said...

All the answers above me are only half right. :]

You must start with the basics. You look at the Sony comes with Windows Vista Home Premium already on it. On what operating system (OS is now called) is about 600 MB of RAM. This does not apply to all random ads and enforcement programs added by the manufacturer. Mac, however, runs on Mac OS X Leopard. Leopard, the more integrated in the software that runs an enormous 200 MB of RAM.

Not to mention, since the Mac is a loss of Unix code, the operating system do not require anti-virus and anti-spyware, as do Windows-based computers. This saves the other 200-300 MB of RAM! They are in a full concert, before you open any program you want to save.

Macs are also much more efficient to collect and compress files so that the program must be on another computer a lot more space on your hard drive. :]

Another reason to pay more because the computer itself. The MacBook was the battery life is much better (I sawUse the basic functions of up to 10 hours at a stretch), chipsets, faster processor, RAM, better quality and better design of ventilation. As someone said above me, well, you pay for the software. GarageBand sold 300-500 dollars. iPhoto is equivalent to the elements, and sells for 150th The list of powerful software and free Mac on.

Besides all this the fact that your Mac comes with 64-bit operating system already exists - but you do not have any compatibility issues that you are running Windows 32 with 64-bit conversion. (Applications are not in the 64-bit build, but the OS itself).

After all, Macs have a different turn, as the PC. If you bought the computer 2 years ago, you do not have the required hardware to run Windows Vista. Vista requires at least 1.5 GB of RAM and 128 MB of graphics memory. Not to mention about hard drive space, since most computers have not come with recovery media, such as 12 GB for a recovery partition!

IBook 10 years can install and run the Leopard operating system, which is higher, MORe powerful and rounded like to update Vista without hardware.

Those who say that you are paying for the name is incorrect. Hope this helps.

PS: To the user below me is not Unix "more" than Linux or DOS encoding. In addition, Mac, technically speaking, are not immunized against viruses and spyware. They gather still in the cache program like any computer. The just do not use the rear door applications such as Windows-based computers only dock design. I just wanted to clarify for your reply contained misinformation and gross generalization. Hope this helps. :]

David C said...

Well, you must first understand what all of them. First, the team will receive 1 years hardware warranty and telephone support to win between 90 days and 7 years in a row for technical assistance. You can extend coverage to 3 years from the date of purchase of $ 249 and includes free telephone support and hardware. You get the iLife package that hundreds of dollars on a Windows machine would cost. Basically, you need to worry about viruses. And, as already mentioned, the memory upgrade is very cheap, do not worry about memory, worry about the operating system.

Tech Whiz said...

Macs have the best materials, including RAM, hard drive, processor and main board (motherboard). LCDs have a higher resolution and more glossy or matte pixel density. It is symmetrical, so it seems fresher and stronger.

Mac OS 10.5 Leopard, manages more with less RAM than Vista or XP. And every Mac can boot up Windows XP or Vista 32-bit. Macs also come with 7 years in a row with a score of high-tech support with the AppleCare discussion forums and plans of $ 249 for 3 years.

Oh, and many hardware drivers, games, software, etc., have no Vista equivalent. Many of them simply replace the tag support XP with Vista support, without the actual data is compatible.

There are no viruses, and pre-installed applications for everyday life. No viruses, such as the Mac OS to run UNIX code, the strongest and most reliable in the industry. The design of the laptop is much better designed, easy to use and powerful package. iLife is included with every Mac, including GarageBand, which corresponds to Adobe Audition included, but it has more more features than Adobe, the $ 300-400 cost. IPhoto corresponding elements of the GUI for Adobe Photo $ 150 and has a better interface and more features. iMovie, Adobe Premiere Pro equiavalent GUI easy to use and has some features only less, but costs $ 700-900 Adobe. There simply are many applications that are free with your Mac, you have to pay a premium for Vista or XP.

Address Book, Preview, Quick Look, iChat, Safari, Mail, Office 2007 and iWork beats before 79 will cost $ $ 300. Time Machine (backup), iCal, iTunes, etc. In the long-RAM, Leopard eating befriends RAM.

Note: Macs can boot Windows XP and Vista natively, officially, legally.

RichlyCr... said...

Mac is a bonus. You pay the full name and the software included. For Mac pre-installed with software such as GarageBand on a similar program for Windows, Adobe Audition, which costs about $ 300 installed.

IMPORTANT: As a warning, the answers to a question like this take only a very sketchy for advice with a grain of salt. I would recommend you try on a Mac and a Windows PC and see which you prefer. Perhaps the Mac is worth extra cost to you, perhaps not, but it's an individual decision.

isl247 said...

Memory is cheap. 2GB is a good start. If you want to 3GB is that cost about $ 50.

Macs are more expensive, certainly, but those of us who do not support Windows faaar pay more than a few hundred dollars more for a computer, which can on OS X

Brad J said...

Macs are expensive. You pay a premium for the name.

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