Thursday, February 11, 2010

Woke Up With A Sore Throat Flu Swine Flu: Ok So I Woke Up With A Minor Sore Throat Today. My Voice Still Sounds Like Usual But Its Just That?

Swine flu: ok so i woke up with a minor sore throat today. my voice still sounds like usual but its just that? - woke up with a sore throat flu

You may feel some itching in the throat of the Uruguay Round. Symptoms may ba?
TSD have no other symptoms, in my school is always open, because there is no known case in my town. i dnt think I've been around someone who has all this week Theyve place approximately 25 students remained in a class all day does not change the nature of the ...


roark said...

What do you think you have the swine flu? Everyone gets a sore throat from time to time. I really, really doubt it. It was what? 200 cases confirmed in the United States so far? and while there is a lot, there are 300 million of us. Your chance to be at this time very, very low. Do not worry.

yo yo yo said...

I live in California and in many cases

I have a sore throat now

and cough

My voice continues for some time

but ... If it gets worse with fever, nausea, weakness, headache (I also have a symptom), or other regular influenza, please contact your doctor.

It can be said to be tested come or not

but I doubt any such residence +!!!!!!

I love Autumn. said...

I'm a little sore throat, I think everything is in my mind, and here, as you say, on the last night at 11:00 disinfect the whole night! But try to take you adivle and if you can not sleep try taking Advil PM I think that, as they say. To eat healthy foods and drink plenty of water. Wash your hands frequently.

Retro Style! said...

If you continue to fever, diarrhea and vomiting
then you should be quarantined and ask your doctor

I hope you feel better!

: 3

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