Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Genital Warts In Toddler Genital Warts On My Toddler... Please Help?

Genital warts on my toddler... please help? - genital warts in toddler

While almost 4 months I have apt my daughter 18 months and PN (his ped that day was not), he has noticed a small bump in the region of the layer, and said it was normal, but spontaneously disappear after a year.
However, it has tripled in size and another in training. I searched the Internet for information about this, but only 2 reasons that I have seen is that if the mother during labor or sexual abuse. born, but from csection And I'm not and I'm with her almost all the time and the nurses, they have only close relatives, so I'm sure its not. This would have caused.
Does anyone else have a child with genital warts? What information do you need to have


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